Recent Activities and Updates

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Recent News and Updates 

  • Jackson Scott, Amairany Nabi, Brooke Hornberger, and Hannah Smith presented research at the most recent convention of the National Communication Association
  • Haroon Al-Hayder presented his work, "Teaching the Yazidi Genocide with a Narrative-Based Approach" at the Ethel Frank Holocaust Education Conference
  • Haley Decker took part in the National Communication Association's annual Doctoral Honors seminar sharing her research on adult autism identity and well-being
  • Dr. Katie Kassler will be joining the faculty at Weber State University
  • New PhDs!!! Congratulations to Drs. Renca Dunn and Katie Kassler
  • The following research projects were presented by members of the lab at the Minority Health Disparities Initiative annual retreat at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    • A Systematic Review of Asian American Mental Health in Response to COVID-19 Stigma (Brooke Hornberger & Hannah Smith)
    • Parental Preparation for Bias and Well-Being: Experiences of Multiethnic-Racial Individuals (Jordan Soliz, Hannah Smith, & Katie Kassler)
    • Barriers to Reproductive Healthcare for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Women (Amairany Nabi & Sophie Richards)

Recent Publications


Communication Monographs Cover

Dr. Jordan Soliz and current doctoral student, Hannah Smith, co-authored, Ego-Centered Network Analysis of Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Families, with lab alum, Dr. Mackensie Minniear

Journal Cover Page

Publication on parental identity accommodation in multiethnic-racial families by Dr. Jordan Soliz and lab alumni, Drs. Megan Cardwell and Mackensie Minniear.


Journal Title Page

Dr. Soliz co-edits a special issue on difficult conversations for Human Communication Research with Dr. Srivi Ramasubramanian

Journal Title Page

Dr. Soliz along with lab alumni, Drs. Megan Cardwell and Morgan Morley, along with undergraduate students, Nia Martinez and Luta Menard, completed the study, "Socialization About Mass Suffering and Outgroup Concern: Retrospective Accounts of Memorable Messages in Families in the United States."